The Dutch Social Economic Council (SER) with its Climate Agreement Platform wants to continue the discussion, together with parties, about how the climate policy can be improved and how to learn from each other’s experience. The platform is open to all parties who wish to join. The platform organizes small and larger events, such as the annual event ‘National Climate Day’ in October or smaller and sectoral events / webinars during the year. The platform is also a means of identifying new opportunities.
How can you keep the discussions alive and how can you exchange information with each other on topics such as ‘Green Recovery’ or about a ‘Regional Energy Strategy’?
We created a series of webinars with a lot of interaction with viewers for SER / The Climate Agreement Platform. Led by Ed Nijpels, chair of the Climate Agreement Progress Meeting, tough climate topics were discussed. The presentations and topics were supported with live polls, Q&A and visuals to reinforce the views. The use of a well-led webinar can be a perfect communications tool for bringing your valuable content and discussion live to your audience.
All webinars can be watched via the own youtube channel of Het Platform-Klimaatakkoord including the webinars: ‘Green Recovery’, ‘Monitoring’, ‘The Green Future of Gas’, ‘Regional Energy Strategy’, ‘Youth, Climate Policy and Green Recovery’.